Maxim Behar’s New Booк “The Morning After” Released on the Bulgarian Market

Maxim Behar’s New Booк “The Morning After” Released on the Bulgarian Market

Forget all cliches about the coronavirus and the crisis you have heard so far. “The Morning After” is here to open your eyes for the new world in which we live…

We are more than happy to announce that the latest book of our CEO Maxim Behar – “The Morning After” (in Bulgarian – „5 минути до утре“)– was released on the Bulgarian market. It isa handbook for the modern leaders, in which you will discover an unconventional point of view regarding the changes in the world, caused by COVID-19, and interesting forecasts about the business development in the new reality.

The book is absolutely relevant to the current situation and gives practical guidelines how to be more flexible, to adapt easier to the changing environment and to achieve success.

“The Morning After” was written for two weeks and published for the same amount of time, by our friends from “Faber” publishing house, which is definitely a record

And we are expecting that the book will be setting even more record or at least will change your perceptions and why not yourself. You can find it on the website of “Faber” publishing house and at the big bookstores in Bulgaria. Hurry up, the morning after is coming…