The Online Master Class of M3 College Turned into a Success

The Online Master Class of M3 College Turned into a Success

M3 Dream Team once again received well-deserved applause for our excellent performance at the online Master Class organized by M3 College on the topic "The New Normal in PR". And thanks to our Executive Director the PR expert Maxim Behar and the specialists from our team, who participated proactively as speakers at the event, the Master Class turned into a great success and gathered nearly 100 people.

Among our diverse audience were people from the business community, as well as students and teachers with interests in the field of public communications, PR and marketing.

The topics covered by our experts are extremely relevant and important for anyone who wants to develop a career in the PR business nowadays. They shared what are the secrets of our successful work with clients, how we create PR content and master social media and what is the future of PR business in our opinion.

And for those who could not participate in the online event today, can soon watch the recording of the entire Master Class on the M3 College website here.

At M3 College we have many more upcoming discussions and lectures with which to enrich our knowledge, exchange priceless experiences and creative ideas.

And as we say in M3 Communications Group, Inc. - now every day, every hour, everywhere there is PR!