Kristiyan Nedelchev Appointed Director of the New 'Video Production and Animation' Department

Kristiyan Nedelchev Appointed Director of the New 'Video Production and Animation' Department

Videos are quickly becoming the most popular content marketing tool and with the rise of platforms like TikTok this trend is only going to get bigger.

To answer the ever increasing need for video content, M3 Communications Group, Inc. has launched a new department for video production and animation, led by our creative guru Kristiyan Nedelchev. He joined M3 Communications' team as a member of the Graphic design & Visuals department and managed to develop his video editing and animation skills by working closely with the Social Media team to answer the ever-increasing demand for video content.

Video content provides a flexible and powerful way for any brand to spread its message and M3 Communications Group, Inc. has a team of experienced professionals that can tailor that message to your needs. From simple motion graphics and social media campaigns, through teasers and product promos, all the way to online video conferences and live event video shooting, we have done it all!