L'ORÉAL and UNESCO with Glamorous Award Ceremony to Recognize Glamorous Women in Science

L'ORÉAL and UNESCO with Glamorous Award Ceremony to Recognize Glamorous Women in Science

Three outstanding female scientists from the fields of chemistry, medicine and astrophysics were awarded €5,000 each for their bold projects to develop a new antibiotic therapy, AI-based diagnosis of schizophrenia and study of comets. The talented Bulgarian women were deservedly awarded under the program "For Women in Science" of L'Oréal and UNESCO – their names are Nikoleta Kircheva, Rosita Kokotanekova and Rositsa Paunova. The prestigious prize was awarded to them for their innovative scientific ideas at an official ceremony at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" with the special participation of Mrs. Iliana Yotova, Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria and Vassil Terziev, Mayor of Sofia Municipality.

"For Women in Science" of L'Oréal and UNESCO are among the most prestigious annual scientific awards in Bulgaria, and the award ceremony is one of the most anticipated events in the country. The team of M3 Communications Group, Inc. has the honor and pleasure to organize the ceremony and fully coordinate the "For Women in Science" program in Bulgaria for 13 years in a row now!