The Letter "C" - Adventures at the National Assembly

The Letter "C"  - Adventures at the National Assembly
The yellow letter C - symbol of the disease hepatitis C, appeared at the National Assembly and generated enormous excitement among the members of the Bulgarian Parliament! They were provoked by our M3 team to join the initiative "I feel about the people suffering from hepatitis C!" by signing their name and signature directly over the letter. More than 70 MEPs took part at the initiative and declared that this problem stays with high priority for the country. They called on more people to be aware of the problem "hepatitis C" and to make blood tests in order to be more informed about their health. The journey of the letter began in November 2014, when M3 Communications Group, Inc. put C-letters at three metro stations in Sofia, central bus and rail stations. In the beginning of 2015, we moved the letters at three Bulgarian universities - New Bulgarian University, Technical University Sofia and Medical University Sofia and challenged the students to answer the question "What does the letter mean to you?". We asked the students to write their suggestion directly on the letter and as a result - there were no vacant place on the letter!