

About the frog and the pond...

About the frog and the pond...

I have no idea where this saying actually came from. Every frog had to know its pond or no one should speak up where it was none of their business. Or else, a bit more updated - to sit staring at the monitor and have no ideas. Not evolving, not being innovative, not looking at what the boss is doing and not even trying to make things in the company or the country even better and more modern.

The absurdities of Bulgarian proverbs, marked by the old times, from which there is no escape. In Parliament, and not only there - stormy debates. You were in a left-wing party, you have no right to change your views. For life. You work, you do not speak up and so you retire, there is no change, there is nothing new, you just sit in the pond.

And actually, it should be the opposite.

Success, real success starts only when you get out of your comfort zone, when you leave the "pond" and try something different, innovative and unconventional... And if you don't do it - just don't blame anyone else for not succeeding in your company, in your personal business, in your life even...