

Maxim Behar: Only a Happy Person Can Be a Successful Person

Maxim Behar: Only a Happy Person Can Be a Successful Person


Introduce yourself with few sentences.


Maxim Behar, 38 years old with 30 years of experience, I have spent more than half of my life in public communications – journalism, PR, and various other fields. However, nearly five years were spent at a machinery plant in Sofia, where I gained valuable lessons and preparation to enter management. I was born in the beautiful city of Shumen, where I've been an honored citizen for almost 20 years. I graduated “International Trade” in Prague and received leadership training at Harvard Kennedy School. I began my higher education at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, where I have been the chairman of the Board of Trustees since March of this year.

How did your career start? Which moments from your early steps are defining and memorable?


Quite ordinarily, probably like any other emerging entrepreneur in the early 90s. I transitioned from journalism after being one of the founders of the outstanding daily newspaper "Standart," and I wanted to see if I could succeed in business. I rented a tiny apartment alone, hired an assistant, and then a designer. The first clients, the first emotions, the early mistakes in business, the first clients who dodged payments, and others who were very satisfied with our work... Quite ordinary. I'm happy that I "made it on my own" and went through the entire challenging journey to manage a large, modern, and highly creative company and have a very successful mandate as President of the World PR Organization.

What are your three most valuable professional qualities?

Precision, honesty, quick decision-making.


When do you happily go to work?

Every day, indeed, every day.


What would motivate you to be loyal to a company?

Open and honest professional relationships. It's simple and yet profound.


How important is the value of monthly compensation to you?

The most important thing for me is my team's compensation, and I do everything possible, often impossible, to prioritize it within the company's development.


Do we have to be friends with our colleagues?

Rather yes. It would be best to be friends with anyone with whom you share something positive and distance yourself from people who give you unpleasant feelings. All my colleagues, without exception, fall into the first category.


In how many years should we change our jobs to grow in our careers, and what is the clearest sign that it's time for a change?

Well... I don't have an answer to that question; I haven't changed mine for 30 years. If you enjoy a job and it's challenging enough, you shouldn't change it or bow to any difficulty.


Should we be careful about what we post on social media and how it affects our career development?

We should always be precise about what we post anywhere. I don't believe there's a manager who judges their colleagues based on what they post on social media unless, of course, the language is aggressive and vulgar.


What is the most valuable advice you've received in your career?

Three people told me the same thing: my father, Sir James Mancham, the founding president of my beloved Seychelles, and Terence Billings, vice president of our parent company, Hill & Knowlton. Though all three are no longer with us, they always told me- if you want to be in business, never stop!


And what career advice would you give?

I don't have a formula for a successful career. Success is being happy. If you're happy with your work, then you'll be successful.


You can find the full interview here.